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12 Stand-up Comedians

This evening, 12 talented comedians will perform for you, and each of them has only 5 minutes to make you laugh to tears with their new jokes! This will be an evening of fresh ideas, unexpected twists and explosive moments. Don't miss the chance to be a part of this unique stand-up show - an evening of short but bright performances, where each comedian will show their maximum.

Everything will take place in a cozy hall with soft, subdued lighting, where every seat gives a feeling of proximity to the stage. The intimate atmosphere allows you to immerse yourself in the comedians' performances as much as possible, and every joke sounds even sharper thanks to the excellent acoustics.

  1. Bohdan Pysmenko @nehsor
  2. Bohdan Boyaryn @bod1qa
  3. Marina Voitsekhovska @m_voitsekhovska
  4. Dima Zakharchenko @thehard.chenko
  5. Vova Linnik @bla_bla_vov
  6. Kostya Tashakov @kostofantort
  7. Nikita Mekhanikov @mekhanikov
  8. Olga Kropyva @olga.kropyva
  9. Yevhen Leshchenko @superjenya
  10. Yuri Proniuk @yuriiproniuk
  11. Ivan Karnoza @ivan_karnoza

Host: Pasha Pinchuk @pasha_pinchuk

Phone for reservations: +38 0675087193

Follow Wandering Standup on Instagram to know about all our events in advance.



Богдан Боярин


Bohdan Pysmenko
Bohdan Pysmenko

City – Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Language – Ukrainian

Genre – stand-up, improvisation

Creative path

Bohdan Pysmenko is an experienced Ukrainian comedian, a TikTok star who has been in the genre for over 8 years. Today, the artist gives solo concerts and has a considerable army of fans. At the beginning of his creative path, he understood an important point: to be a good comedian, you need to be able to reflect on the events happening around you. Otherwise, an attentive audience will feel the falsity and it will be more difficult to gather the audience next time. At the same time, according to Bohdan, you should always be critical of your performances. If you were lucky enough to make the audience laugh today, this does not give the comedian the title of god of comedy. But it becomes an impetus for development.

The artist describes his feeling as a realized comedian as follows: “my soul has calmed down a little.” At the same time, Bohdan believes that being funny is very important for success. The first six months of performances were exploratory for the stand-up comedian – he tried to find topics and develop his own style. He was filled with ideas for creativity from films, TV series, and musical works. During his formation in humor, Bohdan participated in various projects. Some of them still remain a stage for the comedian’s performances. The audience could see the stand-up comedian on the air of the following formats and groups:
  • Kharkiv stand-up club Split Comedy;
  • "Comedy Club";
  • podcast "Sex and Contents";
  • "Dispersals from the vagrant" and others.

Artist's style and development

Bohdan Pysmenko is called the new star of Ukrainian stand-up, and his unique and inimitable style is defined as “brazen intelligentsia”. Recognition and popularity, successful solo concerts and collaboration with other humor colleagues are modern realities for the master of comedy. Bohdan’s work appeals to stand-up fans thanks to simple and understandable topics. The comedian talks about:
  • tattoos and inflation;
  • love, relationships with women and intimate experiences;
  • childhood and tasteless sauces;
  • job search, various everyday situations, and more.

Social activity

Together with other representatives of Ukrainian humor, Bohdan Pysmenko takes an active part in charity performances, the funds from which are transferred to the needs of our military. It is also necessary to note the special, therapeutic effect of the humor of the talented author on Ukrainians. For many, meetings with the comedian are indispensable in replenishing morale and helping to recharge as much as possible in conditions of constant stress.

Vova Linnik
Vova Linnik

Language – Ukrainian

Genre – stand-up, improvisation

Creative path

Vova Linnik is a Ukrainian stand-up comedian, a participant in the popular projects of “Voyage Stand-up”. The young artist already has extensive experience performing on stage. A successful debut stimulated the author to write new material, present it to fans of the comedy genre, improve and firmly establish himself in the domestic humor industry. In collaboration with the residents of the “Voyage Stand-up” collective, among whom are real stars of Ukrainian comedy, Linnik visited Dnipro, Poltava, Lviv, Ternopil, Vinnytsia and other cities. Gradually, Vova gained recognition and popularity among a large audience. And now the comedian’s performances are awaited by fans in different parts of the country.

Artist's style and development

Vova Linnik's humor captivates with its simplicity and at the same time accuracy. The comedian clearly and wittily talks about the painful and most interesting things from his life, and also presents the experiences of friends and acquaintances in his own way. The author's vivid observations are expressed in emotional monologues and spectacular improvisations with fans. Vova jokes on completely different topics, adding a strong word and revealing spicy details. From the stage, Linnik directly and frankly talks about:
  • relationships and jealousy;
  • household habits;
  • shopping trips;
  • the ability to give each other gifts;
  • family, upbringing and much more.
Today, Vova Linnik continues to develop his own creativity in stand-up. Ahead are more than one tour and solo concerts. In the meantime, the performer of his own jokes can be seen on stage in such formats as “Fridays Stand-up”, “10 Stand-up Comedians”, “Set List” and others. These are projects where during short but effective performances, leaders and newcomers of stand-up give their all. And the audience gives their favorites a loud ovation.

Dmytro Zakharchenko
Dmytro Zakharchenko

Language – Ukrainian

Genre – stand-up, improvisation

Creative path

Dmitry Zakharchenko is a Ukrainian stand-up comedian, host on Radio Promin, and a member of Kyiv stand-up clubs. The artist says that he is passionate about the Armed Forces of Ukraine and his work. The future star of radio and the humor industry received his higher education at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Dmitry studied at the specialty "TV and radio host, correspondent, television journalist." Dmitry began his career as a radio host while still a student. His debut on the air took place on Radio Promin. The guy got a job as a morning show host. Zakharchenko later joked about this: he went to the radio for popularity and audience recognition, but later TikTok appeared. So it's hard to deny Dmitry's foresight!

Artist's style and development

Dmitry Zakharchenko continues to develop in the humor genre: he writes jokes, participates in projects of stand-up clubs, in particular - "Voyaging Stand-up". Cooperation with radio "Promin" continues. In an effort to increase his own audience and please a larger number of fans, the comedian runs his own YouTube channel. Among the projects that Dmitry presents to fans:
  • "Comedian's Vlog". Here you can learn about current trends in Ukrainian humor and stand-up in particular. Get to know the specifics of stand-up comedians' work. Choose humor to your taste and follow Dmitry Zakharchenko's concerts;
  • comedy improvisations with the audience. The format became new and successful for Dmitry. The audience was won over by the comedian's frankness and genuineness in communication. Improvisation is one of the most complex genres of humor. And Dmitry is a true master at it. He simply takes ordinary stories of ordinary people and delicately wraps them in a shell of subtle jokes;
  • interviews with interesting people - representatives of Ukrainian culture, music, cinema. Among the guests of the episodes are the performer of the main role in the film "Pamfir" Oleksandr Yatsentiuk, the star of Ukrainian jazz Oleksiy Kogan and other interesting figures.
The leading genre in which Dmitry Zakharchenko works today remains stand-up. The demand for witty and apt humor in Ukraine is constantly growing. And each new meeting gives the audience no less powerful emotions than those that fans of musicians receive during the performances of their idols at festivals. Dmitry Zakharchenko jokes on various topics: about politicians and family affairs, Ukrainians' vacations and earnings. You can also hear jokes from the author about pumped lips, a free apartment and much more. Dmitry's unique style, his ease and ease appeal to many connoisseurs of a pleasant vacation in a comfortable atmosphere. So you should expect new concerts and even more cool jokes!

Марина Войцеховська

Шлях до популярності

Марина Войцеховська – відома українська стендап-комікеса з Житомирщини, володарка «чорного поясу по сумнівних компліментах», резидентка Ukrainian Stand-Up Agency. Серед поціновувачів комедії Марина відома своїми смачними жартами без фільтрів. Хоча ті, хто бачить дівчину вперше, очікують від неї ну майже янгольських жартів і вже точно жодної нецензурщини. Вперше Марина Войцехоська вийшла на сцену у якості стендаперки у 2020 році. Це був «Відкритий мікрофон». Тоді дівчина так перелякалася, що на півроку втратила бажання пробувати вдруге. Але потяг та очевидний талант до гумору узяли гору, і комікеса відновила свою діяльність. Наступні два роки були напрочуд продуктивними. Марина підкорила своїми жартами півкраїни, провівши концерти у більш ніж 10 містах і ставши насправді популярною у мережі.

Той випадок, коли жіночий гумор спочатку може шокувати

Справа в тому, що матеріал, який пропонує публіці Марина Войцеховська, як би це сказати, ексклюзивний. Комікеса розповідає про життя у поліському селі, про вартість розлучення, про побачення і чи можна на ньому нормально поїсти, про відносини, хтивість і проблему з вибором чоловіків. Здавалось би, теми достатньо тривіальні. Але чого тільки варта презентація – свіжа, навіть бадьора, збагачена добірною українською лайкою! То тепер ви точно готові смакувати гумор Марини Войцеховської, лишилось тільки знайти її виступ в афіші подій вашого міста!
Nikita Mekhanikov
Nikita Mekhanikov

City – Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Language – Ukrainian

Genre – stand-up, improvisation

Creative path

Mykyta Mekhanikov is a Ukrainian stand-up comedian, blogger, and resident of the comedy project “Plus-Minus Stand-Up.” Mykyta created and runs his own YouTube channel. There, the artist posts his performances at concerts with Ukrainian stand-up stars, as well as other original works that captivate comedy fans and win new fans. Mykyta also runs a comedy blog, where he shares interesting information and his own knowledge with the audience.

Mykyta Mekhanikov made his debut in the humor industry on the Kharkiv stage. When announcing the comedian's concerts, the organizers called the artist a favorite performer of Kharkiv residents. After all, his humor has a positive effect on the emotional health of fans and, in terms of its therapeutic properties, can be equated to the most effective antidepressants. Sometimes they even joke about Mykyta's creative style, saying that we still need to look for a person who would not laugh at the author's jokes. And, probably, it will be simply impossible to find such a listener.

Artist's style and development

Over 5 years of work in the comedy genre and blogging, Nikita has become a thought leader and role model for many fans. The comedian records humorous videos in which he reveals social issues and various interesting moments from his own experience and the lives of friends and acquaintances. Among the topics with which Mekhanikov enters the Internet space and takes to the stage during comedy live shows:
  • the most common stereotypes;
  • characteristics of one's own character;
  • learning from others' mistakes;
  • using Tinder;
  • dating and relationships with a girl;
  • obscene language and much more.
The audience is captivated by Mykyta's reels, which are called brilliant. And his subtle, everyday and very funny humor leaves no one indifferent. So there are still many tours, solo concerts and new bright projects ahead, with which the comedian will receive even wider recognition and popularity.

Pavlo Pinchuk

A fan of an interesting life, who turns all his observations into jokes

Pavlo Pinchuk is a comedian originally from Dnipro, who today has already reached the level of soloists in the capital. Among the projects in which Pavlo took part are "Razgony" from "Vagabond Standup", Closed Mic, where experienced comedians present new and better material. Together with other comedians, Pavlo takes to the stage of comedy shows of an improvisational format, where bright artists joke without preparation on topics that are received from the audience simply during the concert.

Pavel's subtle humor is interesting because it fully reflects the comedian's attitude to non-trivial situations from seemingly everyday life. The comedian jokes about the absurdity of the modern world, about relationships, addictions and psychotherapists, about the impression he makes on girls and much more.
Yevhen Leshchenko
Yevhen Leshchenko

City – Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Language – Ukrainian

Genre – stand-up, improvisation

Creative path

Yevgeny Leshchenko is a Ukrainian stand-up comedian, founder of the Comedy Club and Split Comedy Kharkiv, a resident of the Wandering Stand-up club. He felt the desire to work and develop in humor back in his school years. When the guy was asked what he wanted to become, the answer was: “A clown!” After entering university, the young man began to play in the KVN. However, he did not see any prospects in this: he wanted something else. Yevgeny began to watch translated classics of the humorous genre - videos of performances by American humor stars, comedians Eddie Murphy and George Carlin. It was then that he firmly decided to become a stand-up comedian.

Leshchenko's debut on stage in front of a live audience took place in 2017. The aspiring artist took part in "Open Microphone". It was scary, Yevhen lacked confidence. He created jokes for the performance literally in one day. However, the comedian's bright charisma worked, and the comedian gained invaluable experience. At that time, Yevhen worked as a bartender. Constant communication with people was liberating and gave him the understanding that future activities should be related to public activity. Over time, Yevhen's patience broke through. He quit and opened Split Comedy with other colleagues.

Artist's style and development

In a short time, Yevgeny became a real stand-up star and won wide popularity and recognition among fans of the comedy genre. Although at first, after moving to Kyiv, he did not dare to go on stage for a long time and simply watched the performances of other comedians. Gradually, offers to participate in concerts of the Kyiv "Underground Stand-Up", "Free Stand-Up" in Chernivtsi appear. The talented stand-up artist develops cooperation with other representatives of the humor industry and simultaneously gives solo concerts. The artist has visited many major cities of Ukraine, where he now has devoted fans of his work. A large tour with a solo program took place in 2021.

The audience of the comedian's fans is constantly expanding, attracting more and more Ukrainians of all ages to the ranks of connoisseurs of the author's humor. The audience is captivated by the subtle humor and emotional presentation of the material. Yevhen calls himself a "product of stand-up comedy" - a person who tries to be in stand-up in all its manifestations (working on stage and off it). The comedian entered the genre gradually. He started by getting acquainted with the Kharkiv hangout. And at first, the team did not perceive Yevhen very kindly. But the artist understood that stand-up is something he would prefer to do with full dedication. Therefore, he continued to actively develop in the genre. Among the topics that Yevhen Leshchenko jokes about:
  • everyday life and everyday situations;
  • relationships between women and men;
  • personal adventures;
  • the absurdity of the world around us and much more.
In general, the author is sure: there are no forbidden topics. There are unfunny jokes. The main thing is not to cross the boundaries of a person's personal space, then there will be no conflicts with oneself and with the audience. Yevhen also notes the great prospects of Ukrainian stand-up as such. In the early 2010s, the situation was quite uncertain, comedians were testing the audience, many were eliminated. The main center and platform for performances was YouTube. And this limited the opportunities for popularizing artists. However, today both the audience and the comedians themselves are more open to each other. Completely different humor comes in. This is how a kind of connection occurs: the audience chooses "their" among the comedians and carefully follows their activity on the network, comes to live concerts.

Social activity

Yevhen Leshchenko is one of those who at one time switched to Ukrainian and by his example pushed many others to do so. A native of Kharkiv, Yevhen recently moved to Kyiv, where he continued to work in his chosen field. During the full-scale invasion, comedians, like Ukrainian opinion leaders, are making every effort to strengthen our army. As part of their concerts, they hold charity auctions and collections for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Yevhen Leshchenko and other colleagues in the workshop do not allow Ukrainians to forget about the realities and call on them to actively donate and make any possible contribution to the Victory. At the same time, humor also plays an important role: it adds strength and replenishes the reserves of positivity, supporting every Ukrainian in a difficult time for everyone.

Other events for the artists participation

10 Stand-up Comedians 17 February 19:30, Mon Kyiv, Бочка PUB Evening of New Jokes 18 February 19:30, Tue Kyiv, Бочка PUB Standup 8x8 19 February 19:30, Wed Kyiv, Бочка PUB Dispersal from the Wanderer in the Cinema House 25 February 19:30, Tue Kyiv, Будинок Кіно Stand-up for two. Zaporizhzhia 28 February 18:30, Fri Zaporijya, ДК Орбіта Top 3 comedians. Stand-up concert 07 March 19:30, Fri Kyiv, Hotel "Tourist"