Baroque & Jazz
The "Barocco & Jazz" concert in Kyiv will take place on February 8 at the Museum of Books and Printing of Ukraine.
Baroque & Jazz
- Valentina Matyushenko, soprano
- Olga Tabulina mezzo-soprano
- Brass Ukraine
- The concert is hosted by Natalia Nasikan
Y.S. Bach – Duet Et in unum Dominum from the mass in h–moll
G. Purcell - Duet Lost is my quiet
G.F. Handel – Duet Son nata a lagrimar from the opera "Giulio Cesare in Egitto"
J.-F. Rameau – Duet Forêts paisibles from the opera-ballet "Les Indes galantes"
G. Purcell – Dido's Aria When I am laid from the opera "Dido and Aeneas"
- Performed by O. Tabulina
H.F. Handel – Almirena's Aria Lashia chio pianga from the opera "Rinaldo"
- Performed by V. Matyushenko-Matviychuk
W. Shakespeare Sonnet 128, translated by D. Palamarchuk
- Read by Natalia Nasikan
J. Gershwin – Summertime from the opera “Porgy and Bess”
- Performed by O. Tabulina
J. Gershwin, A. Gershwin – Love is sweeping
- Performed by V. Matyushenko-Matviychuk
J. Gershwin, A. Gershwin – The man I love
- Performed by O. Tabulina
B. Howard - Fly me to the moon
- Performed by V. Matyushenko-Matviychuk
B. Thiel, J. Weiss – What a wonderful World (duet)