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Liatoshysky Space. Chamber Music #2


Liatoshynsky Space. Камерна музика #2
Варвара  Васильєва скрипка 
Гліб Сасько віолончель
Максим Шадько фортепіано

Б. Лятошинський  Соната для скрипки та фортепіано
Й. Брамс Соната № 3 для скрипки та фортепіано
Б. Лятошинський  Романс для віолончелі та фортепіано
Л. Бетховен Соната № 4 для віолончелі та фортепіано C–Dur

Програму веде Тетяна Новицька
За підтримки VERE MUSIC FUND

The concert "Liatoshynsky Space. Chamber Music #2" will take place on February 8 at the National Philharmonic of Ukraine in Kyiv.

Why visit the concert "Liatoshynsky Space. Chamber Music #2" in Kyiv?

  1. A unique program that combines the works of two great composers: Borys Lyatoshynsky and Johannes Brahms, along with a masterpiece by Ludwig van Beethoven.
  2. Exquisite performance of chamber music for violin, cello, and piano by talented musicians.
  3. The beautiful atmosphere of the National Philharmonic of Ukraine, offering the chance to enjoy classical pieces that reflect emotional depth and technical mastery.

Liatoshynsky Space. Chamber Music #2

  • Varvara Vasilyeva, violin
  • Gleb Sasko, cello
  • Maxim Shadko, piano


• B. Lyatoshynsky — Sonata for Violin and Piano

• J. Brahms — Sonata No. 3 for Violin and Piano

• B. Lyatoshynsky — Romance for Cello and Piano

• L. Beethoven — Sonata No. 4 for Cello and Piano in C Major

The program will be presented by Tetiana Novytska.

With the support of VERE MUSIC FUND.

Where to buy tickets for "Liatoshynsky Space. Chamber Music #2" in Kyiv?

A simple and convenient way to purchase tickets is to order online at Concert.ua!