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Mozart. Brahms


Академічний симфонічний оркестр Національної філармонії України
Антоній Кедровський диригент
Станіслав Гумінюк фортепіано
І відділ
В. А. Моцарт Концерт № 21 для фортепіано з оркестром C–Dur
ІІ відділ
Й. Брамс  Симфонія № 3 F–Dur

Програму веде Тетяна Філіпенко

The concert "Mozart. Brahms" will take place on February 7th at the National Philharmonic of Ukraine in Kyiv.

Why should you attend the "Mozart. Brahms" concert in Kyiv?

  1. A unique program combining masterpieces of classical music by the great composers W. A. Mozart and J. Brahms.
  2. The performance of the captivating piano concerto and grand symphony that demonstrate the depth of emotions and the mastery of the composers.
  3. Talented musicians under the direction of Antoni Kedrovskyi — for you at the National Philharmonic of Ukraine.

Mozart. Brahms

Academic Symphony Orchestra of the National Philharmonic of Ukraine

Antoni Kedrovskyi, conductor

Stanislav Huminyuk, piano


First part:

• W. A. Mozart — Piano Concerto No. 21 in C Major

Second part:

• J. Brahms — Symphony No. 3 in F Major

The program will be presented by Tetiana Filiipenko.

Where to buy tickets for the "Mozart. Brahms" concert in Kyiv?

A simple and convenient way to purchase tickets for the "Mozart. Brahms" concert in Kyiv is to order online at Concert.ua!