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Orgiya Pravednikov in Kyiv! Don`t miss 2021-10-24 в 19:00 on the Kyiv Conservatory, Kyiv.
Buy Orgiya Pravednikov tickets at Concert.ua online or with delivery.
Поважна публіка! Приносимо Вам наші вибачення, і в зв'язку з забороною проведення масових заходів в квітні місяці, оголошуємо про перенесення дати концерту. Запланований концерт групи "Оргія Праведників" 25/04/ 2021 відбудеться 24 жовтня.
"Оргія Праведників" у Києві з презентацією нового альбому "Час будити королів"!
Всі квитки дійсні.
Дякуємо за Ваше розуміння.
Всім нам доброго здоров’я і весняного гарного настрою.
Час мине швидко.
Who are we in this changing world?
This question is alarming for everyone who is trying to keep himself within the boundaries of the old forms, to find a fulcrum. But all the supports will inevitably be swept away, the forms will be melted, and there is no need to be afraid of this - on the contrary, it is time to find our original nature, time to wake up kings, time to feel like a salamander bathing in a fiery stream, to remember that, according to Heraclitus and the Book of Shining, we are Fire creating all forms.
The image of fire, molten magma often comes to mind for anyone looking at the audience during rock concerts. It is for the feeling of total unity, the falling of boundaries that people go to concerts, this is the call of Fire, the call of the memory of who we really are.
A person has two ways: to grasp with all his might into the habitual and be consumed by the fear of destruction, or to learn to be eternal, which means - to be One, to be a Fire that knows no boundaries.
Come! It will be, as Yegor Letov, the singer of the Shining, said - “great and forever”! From song to song we will go blowing ourselves up from the inside and finding the Joy that never began and will never end! Let's get dark!
Respectable audience, we are waiting for you!
Start: October 24 at 19:00
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