Підпільний Стендап
«Підпільний Стендап» в Києві відбудеться 7 лютого в Underground Standup Club.
- Впливове підпілля сміху, що охоплює всю країну.
- Круте шоу від найкращих у своєму жанрі.
- Ульотний відпочинок для справжніх поціновувачів.
Підпільний Стендап
Запрошуємо на вечір сміливої української комедії від «Підпільного Стендапу». Це відмінна можливість посміятись і підтримати стан своєї менталки!
Underground Standup Club – легендарне місце, де коміки «Підпільного Стендапу» виступають регулярно.
Саме тут із 2016 року створюється елітарна українська стендап-комедія.
У цей вечір виступатимуть:
- Юра Коломієць. Комфортний комік із великим досвідом, амбасадор гедонізму та продюсер ваших улюблених ютуб шоу.
- Настя Зухвала. Феміністка. Русофобка. Авторка фрази “йобана блять русня”. Співведуча шоу «Гомін Аут» на радіо «Промінь». Мама Совіньйон та Маркіза (ака Бамбаса).
- Дядя Женя. Найстаріший стендап-комік Києва, учасник тв-шоу «Комік на Мільйон». Виступає в жанрі антипрогресивної комедії.
- Ігор Нерівний. Глядачі кажуть: “Мало того, шо гарний, так ще й розумний і дотепний, дуже зухвала комедія, харош.”
До ваших послуг кухня та бар, тож можна доповнити вечір смачними стравами та напоями.
20% від зібраних коштів будуть надіслані на потреби ЗСУ.
Поспішайте замовити квитки собі та всім своїм на сайті Concert.ua.
Коли між Дєрской і Зухвалою – одне 24 лютого
Настя Зухвала – популярна українська комікеса, сценаристка, радіоведуча. Протягом семи років виступала під псевдонімом «Дєрская». За цей час встигла розвинутися з дебютантки «Відкритого мікрофона» у фан-барі «Банка» до однієї з найяскравіших учасниць «Підпільного Стендапу». Додала до свого доробку сольні концерти із мільйоном переглядів, займалася веденням колонки у «Wonderzine Україна», була учасницею шоу «Богиня шопінгу». А вже після 24-го лютого 2022-го року Настя чітко зрозуміла, що «Дєрская іде за кораблем», а Зухвала – продовжує іти вперед.Як змінилися теми виступів комікеси з початком повномасштабної війни
Якщо раніше у своїй творчості Настя торкалася питань толерантності, поваги до жінок і боротьби з сексизмом, то пізніше, коли розгорнулася неспровокована російська агресія на українських землях, авторка багато що переоцінила. Настя зазначає, що перелом відбувся в цілковитому усвідомлені своєї національної приналежності та абсолютної ворожості російської культури. Тож Настя заснувала інста-медіа «Зухвалий батальйон», написала нову програму «Рафінована лють» і вирушила у великий тур Україною та Європою. Зараз комікеса не відмовилася від висвітлення прав жінок, ні. Просто зрозуміла, що не так важлива глобалізація, як те, що відбувається просто перед тобою, на твоїх очах. До речі, про своє весілля стендаперка вже теж встигла пожартувати у новій програмі. Тож Настя Зухвала продовжує заряджати слухачів на позитив. Її гумор підтримує та консолідує суспільство. І творчість талановитої комікеси є вагомим рушієм розвитку сучасної української комедії.Language – Ukrainian
Genre – Stand-up, improvisation
Comedian's Formation
Yura Kolomiyets is a popular Ukrainian stand-up comedian, creative producer, and showrunner of "Underground Stand-up." He is responsible for the strategy of the club's YouTube channel, development, editing, and directing various formats. He jokes that sometimes while working on editing, he starts to hate comedians because he has to do a lot of painstaking work to present a quality final product – the artist's performance – on the channel. What "annoys" him the most are unnecessary sounds and exclamations. At the same time, he perfectly understands that his own performances look exactly the same from the outside. It's like a live performance by a singer during a tour or at a festival – it is impossible to avoid unsuccessful moments completely. In the end, it is these moments that fill the event with the authenticity that the audience of fans appreciates most in live interactions.In addition to his work in stand-up, the artist works on his own projects on the internet. The idea of creating his own YouTube channel had been brewing for a long time. Yura wanted to create something of his own and give people the opportunity to see the "more real" side of him. He also wanted to prove to other colleagues in the humor industry that he is capable of producing quality videos. Of course, Yura doesn't yet call himself a YouTube star, but he is confidently moving in that direction. Kolomiyets has even been approached several times for consultations as a YouTube manager.
Creative Path
Yura Kolomiyets' unique style, charisma, and easy communication style have won the hearts of thousands of comedy fans in Ukraine. Stand-up comedy experienced significant growth after the full-scale invasion, when the demand for Ukrainian humor skyrocketed. Yura Kolomiyets solidified his sense of calling during this period. He began performing more frequently at clubs across the country with his own jokes. He realized that popularity and recognition had come when he received feedback from fans after a long silence on his personal channel. Initially, Yura was even offended by the audience for not inquiring about the reasons behind the lack of new videos. However, he later received several positive reviews from people who said they were simply afraid to interrupt the comedian's creative process.Yura Kolomiyets' creativity touches on various topics:
- Politics and life situations;
- Pets and their owners' culture;
- Travel and foreigners;
- Culinary arts, the restaurant business, hedonism, and many other topics.
Style and Development of the Artist
Brightly ironic, self-critical, and professional material from Yura Kolomiyets in stand-up has conquered not only the real stage but also the virtual one. The author is actively working on creating his own podcasts and interesting formats. Some of them include:- “Tasting Savoring.” This podcast format features Yura and his guests (stars of Ukrainian stand-up, famous chefs from popular restaurants) tasting different dishes or drinks. When launching the podcast, Yura mentioned that his goal was not only to chat but to do what he wants – in this case, taste something interesting. Among the guests of the episodes were Vasyl Baidak, Yegor Shatilo, Jaykhun Safarov, Anton Senin, Yevhen Menzelivskyi, and others;
- “The Real Film Club.” Yura presents this format as an addition to the well-known "Underground Film Club." In this project, participants have the opportunity to discuss their favorite films in more depth. Guests of the comedian's film club included Kostya Trembovetsky, Svyat Zahaykevych, Hanna Kochehura, Oleksandr Kachura, and others;
- In 2024, Yura Kolomiyets also joined the team of the stand-up show "Homin Out."
Stand-up and Acting
Yura Kolomiyets believes that the work of an actor and a stand-up comedian are directly related. For example, the comedian creates a large solo program and goes on a tour around the country. He presents the same jokes to the audience. And no matter how much of a hit they are, the presentation is always different. The reason for this could be the performer’s mood, the audience's behavior, or external factors. In such cases, to preserve the essence and power of the joke, one has to truly "act." For some, this is an easier task; for others, it is more difficult. But such moments inevitably arise, and they cannot be avoided.The comedian notes that in the West, the film industry has long involved comedians in movie shoots. This works because comedians are typically ready-made actors who just need to be directed, and they can handle most of the work themselves. Yura himself has even participated in a casting for a role in a Ukrainian TV series. They needed comedians because actors have to learn how to be funny. And representatives of the humor genre are naturally funny and have nothing to fake.
Yura Kolomiyets: A comfortable comedian with great experience, an ambassador of hedonism, and the producer of your favorite YouTube shows.
Ihor Nerivny
City – Odesa
Language – Ukrainian
Genre – Stand-up, improvisation
Creative Path
Ihor Nerivny is a Ukrainian comedian, stand-up artist, resident of "Pідпільний Стендап" (Underground Stand-up), and host of the "Bla Bla Podcast." He describes himself as a progressive person, and his humor as a comedic reflection on social issues and inner struggles. As a native of Odessa, Ihor switched to speaking Ukrainian, setting a positive example for others. His path to success, popularity, and recognition was paved through hard work. Talent and charisma played an important role as he gradually found his audience and won over thousands of fans. Ihor Nerivny is a resident of "Pідпільний Стендап," which means he actively collaborates with the club’s team, participating in podcasts and concerts alongside other comedians. Fans of humor in Kyiv and other cities flock to his performances. The comedy master has also moved on to solo acts, with programs such as "In the Conditions of the Present" and "Comedic Potential" being presented to the public.Style and Artist Development
Ihor Nerivny’s humor stands out for his thoughtful and detailed approach to creating material. From the stage, the comedian addresses pressing issues, covering topics like everyday life, relationships, cultural and societal problems, and traditions. His witty jokes often feature elements of self-criticism and satire. The bold humor of the artist tackles topics such as:- corruption in ancient Greece;
- the peculiarities of the office manager profession;
- blackouts;
- the difficulties of making coffee in a cezve (Turkish coffee pot), and much more.
In the world of Ukrainian comedy, Ihor is often referred to as the "king of podcasts." He’s like the Yoda of the stand-up universe. However, Ihor doesn't risk becoming an arrogant comedy star, as he is well aware that a smart audience can easily sense a comedian’s mood and position. Overplaying or trying to push beyond one’s limits in this field is unnecessary. Moreover, the public enjoys Ihor's unique authorial style, which blends balance with emotionality.