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Спектакль "Пираты Карибского моря"

Невероятно интересный и смешной спектакль, который перенесет вас прямо на Карибы. Главный герой Джек Воробей - пират, который любит приключения, капитан корабля "Черная Жемчужина". Как и у любого пирата, у него есть враги, и этот враг - капитан Барбосса, который однажды смог отобрать у Джека корабль.

Барбосса совершает нападение на Порт Рояль, при этом он похищает дочь местного губернатора - Элизабет. Уилл Тернер, влюбленный в Элизабет, вместе с Джеком Воробьем, для которого это шанс поквитаться с Барбоссой, и вернуть свой корабль, отправляются на поиски Элизабет. Невероятные декорации и великолепная игра актеров перенесут вас в мир пиратских приключений.

The play "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea" in Ukrainian cities.

Why should you go to the theater for the play "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea"?

  1. Spectacular fairy-tale production for family viewing.
  2. One of the most interesting adventure stories.
  3. A talented performance of actors who will become one whole with their stage images.

Play "Pirates of the Caribbean" in your city

The creative team of the Modern Theater presents a grand fairy-tale performance for the whole family "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea" directed by the outstanding director Dmytro Rachkovsky! Talented actors, wonderful scenery, an exciting and very funny plot will give you a sea of new impressions and positive emotions. Don't miss it!

Incredibly fun and exciting Caribbean adventures in the company of your favorite characters

Already in the first minutes, the audience will be transported to the remote Caribbean islands, where real passions are raging. After all, it cannot be otherwise when the legendary captain of the "Black Pearl", the seeker of dangerous adventures, Jack Sparrow, finds himself in the center of events. Like all pirates, he has enemies. And this is Captain Barbossa, who once managed to save Jack from the ship. Barbossa attacks Port Royal, stealing the local governor's daughter, the beautiful Elizabeth. She has a crush on a young man, Will Turner, who strives above all else to free his beloved. For this, he teams up with Jack Sparrow, who is also not against returning his ship and getting even with Barbossa. There are incredible adventures ahead. So come, make yourself comfortable and prepare to laugh a lot and heartily and sympathize with your favorite characters. We are waiting for you!

Where to buy tickets for the performance "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea"?

You can always issue electronic tickets on the Concert.ua website.