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Standup 8x8

This evening, 8 young comedians will perform for 8 minutes, each of them will share with you a part of their lives through jokes. The comedians will tell both their “top” (tested) jokes and new, relevant ones that you may hear first.

1. Alla Volkova @fkudz

2. Ruslan Kolesnyk @ruslan_kolesnyk.92

3. Yevhen Leshchenko @superjenya

4. Mark Sviridyuk @sviridyuk.mark44

5. Den Che @den____che

6. Bohdan Pysmenko @nehsor_

7. Nikita Mekhanikov @mekhanikov_

8. Vova Linnik @bla_bla_vov

Host: Vladimir Maslov @maslowwladimir

Phone for reservations: +38 0675087193

Follow Wandering Standup on Instagram to know about all our events in advance.



Алла Волкова

Алла Волкова: комікеса, чия прямолінійність – просто поза конкуренцією

Харизматична і непередбачувана у своєму гуморі Алла Волкова – яскрава львівська стендап-комікеса, чиї жарти чіпляють раз і назавжди і не лишають байдужим жодного глядача. Алла є резиденткою Бродячого стендапу, відомого своїми фірмовими жартами без фільтрів. Тож стиль комікеси відрізняється не лише блискучою самоіронією, а й жорсткістю, неочікуваністю та при цьому – завжди дотепністю та філігранністю.

Лише один стендап за участю Алли – і ви назавжди серед її шанувальників

Неповторна Алла Волкова з легкістю вийшла на рівень сольних концертів, відповідно в арифметичній прогресії збільшила як кількість своїх прихильників, так і хейтерів. З останніх Алла також із неперевершеною майстерністю іронізує, додаючи масив цих юдей скоріше у скарбницю своїх здобутків, аніж невдач. Серед тем для жартів Алли Волкової – політичні події та найрізноманітніші життєві ситуації. Комікеса описує невдалі фотки, ставлення до хейтерів та стосунки з чоловіками, роль астрологів та інших колоритних постатей у нашому суспільстві. Тож якщо готові до прямого і щирого стендапу, велкам!
Bohdan Pysmenko
Bohdan Pysmenko

City – Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Language – Ukrainian

Genre – stand-up, improvisation

Creative path

Bohdan Pysmenko is an experienced Ukrainian comedian, a TikTok star who has been in the genre for over 8 years. Today, the artist gives solo concerts and has a considerable army of fans. At the beginning of his creative path, he understood an important point: to be a good comedian, you need to be able to reflect on the events happening around you. Otherwise, an attentive audience will feel the falsity and it will be more difficult to gather the audience next time. At the same time, according to Bohdan, you should always be critical of your performances. If you were lucky enough to make the audience laugh today, this does not give the comedian the title of god of comedy. But it becomes an impetus for development.

The artist describes his feeling as a realized comedian as follows: “my soul has calmed down a little.” At the same time, Bohdan believes that being funny is very important for success. The first six months of performances were exploratory for the stand-up comedian – he tried to find topics and develop his own style. He was filled with ideas for creativity from films, TV series, and musical works. During his formation in humor, Bohdan participated in various projects. Some of them still remain a stage for the comedian’s performances. The audience could see the stand-up comedian on the air of the following formats and groups:
  • Kharkiv stand-up club Split Comedy;
  • "Comedy Club";
  • podcast "Sex and Contents";
  • "Dispersals from the vagrant" and others.

Artist's style and development

Bohdan Pysmenko is called the new star of Ukrainian stand-up, and his unique and inimitable style is defined as “brazen intelligentsia”. Recognition and popularity, successful solo concerts and collaboration with other humor colleagues are modern realities for the master of comedy. Bohdan’s work appeals to stand-up fans thanks to simple and understandable topics. The comedian talks about:
  • tattoos and inflation;
  • love, relationships with women and intimate experiences;
  • childhood and tasteless sauces;
  • job search, various everyday situations, and more.

Social activity

Together with other representatives of Ukrainian humor, Bohdan Pysmenko takes an active part in charity performances, the funds from which are transferred to the needs of our military. It is also necessary to note the special, therapeutic effect of the humor of the talented author on Ukrainians. For many, meetings with the comedian are indispensable in replenishing morale and helping to recharge as much as possible in conditions of constant stress.

Ден Че
Український стендап комік, резидент клубу «Бродячий StandUP».
Марк Свиридюк

Популярний вітчизняний стендап-комік.

Ruslan Kolesnyk

Ruslan Kolesnyk is the majestic and fair leader of the island of original comedy

Ruslan Kolesnyk is a talented Ukrainian stand-up comedian, a resident of the Brodyachii Stand Up club. For more than 5 years, Ruslan has been selflessly working in the field of modern Ukrainian comedy, seeding it with witty, sometimes unpredictable, but always brilliant and effective jokes. In return, he receives a lot of positive feedback from the public, who love to come to the author's stand-up shows and simply enjoy interesting adult humor and live communication with the comedian.

If you want to find out what the "restless legs syndrome" is or why it is sometimes so important to be able to hold a started walk-behind tractor - then come to Ruslan's stand-up!

Other events for the artists participation

Standup For Two. Odesa 17 February 19:00, Mon Odesa, Odessa Regional Philharmonic 10 Stand-up Comedians 17 February 19:30, Mon Kyiv, Бочка PUB Evening of New Jokes 18 February 19:30, Tue Kyiv, Бочка PUB Standup 8x8 19 February 19:30, Wed Kyiv, Бочка PUB 12 Stand-up Comedians 20 February 19:00, Thu Kyiv, Бочка PUB Friday Standup 21 February 19:00, Fri Kyiv, Бочка PUB 12 Stand-up Comedians 22 February 16:30, Sat Kyiv, Бочка PUB Saturday Standup 22 February 18:30, Sat Kyiv, Бочка PUB 10 Stand-up Comedians 23 February 16:30, Sun Kyiv, Бочка PUB Standup 8x8 23 February 18:00, Sun Kyiv, Бочка PUB An evening of improvisation by Volkova and Tkachenko 26 February 19:30, Wed Kyiv, Будинок Кіно Stand-up for two. Zaporizhzhia 28 February 18:30, Fri Zaporijya, ДК Орбіта Top 3 comedians. Stand-up concert 07 March 19:30, Fri Kyiv, Hotel "Tourist"