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Saturday Standup

This is an evening with a powerfully selected lineup of performers. Comedians who already have performance experience, have gone through a number of scenes and are set for a powerful evening will give a maximum of cool mood and a number of unexpected conclusions. The format of the evening involves the speaker staying on stage longer than usual, which allows not to try to shorten the idea, but to maximally expand the audience with their worked and proven material.

Come early as there will be filming :)


  1. Maksym Vyshynskyi @max_vyshynskyi
  2. Marina Voitsekhovska @m_voitsekhovska
  3. Kostya Tashakov @kostofantort
  4. Magomed Muradov @magam_muradov
  5. Kateryna Dubinina @kateryna_dubinina

Host: Pasha Pinchuk @pasha_pinchuk

Phone for reservations: +38 0675087193

Follow Wandering Standup on Instagram to know about all our events in advance.



Max Vyshinskyi

He was once the first Ukrainian stand-up comedian to perform at the Zhovtnevyi Palats and the Sports Palace for 6000 people. He won "Make a Comedian Laugh" and starred in the show "League of Laughter." He loves his wife, child and cats. Respects himself and the audience. He performs without vulgarity and swear words. He has a dream to change the family institution in the country for the better through his performances.

Marina Voitsehovska

The path to fame

Maryna Voitsekhovska is a famous Ukrainian stand-up comedian from Zhytomyr region, a black belt in dubious compliments, and a resident of the Ukrainian Stand-Up Agency. Among comedy lovers, Marina is known for her delicious jokes without filters. Although those who see the girl for the first time expect almost angelic jokes from her and certainly no obscenities. Maryna Voitsekhoska first appeared on stage as a stand-up in 2020. It was the Open Mic. At the time, she was so scared that she lost the desire to try again for six months. But the urge and obvious talent for humor prevailed, and the comedian resumed her activities. The next two years were surprisingly productive. Maryna conquered half the country with her jokes, holding concerts in more than 10 cities and becoming really popular online.

The case when female humor can be shocking at first

The fact is that the material Maryna Voitsekhovska offers the public is, so to speak, exclusive. The comedienne talks about life in a Polissya village, the cost of divorce, dating and whether you can eat properly on a date, relationships, lust and the problem of choosing men. It would seem that the topics are quite trivial. But the presentation is worth it - fresh, even cheerful, enriched with selected Ukrainian swearing! So now you are definitely ready to enjoy Maryna Voitsekhovska's humor, all you have to do is find her performance in the poster of events in your city!
Pavlo Pinchuk

A fan of an interesting life, who turns all his observations into jokes

Pavlo Pinchuk is a comedian originally from Dnipro, who today has already reached the level of soloists in the capital. Among the projects in which Pavlo took part are "Razgony" from "Vagabond Standup", Closed Mic, where experienced comedians present new and better material. Together with other comedians, Pavlo takes to the stage of comedy shows of an improvisational format, where bright artists joke without preparation on topics that are received from the audience simply during the concert.

Pavel's subtle humor is interesting because it fully reflects the comedian's attitude to non-trivial situations from seemingly everyday life. The comedian jokes about the absurdity of the modern world, about relationships, addictions and psychotherapists, about the impression he makes on girls and much more.

Other events for the artists participation

Closed Microphone 09 February 16:30, Sun Kyiv, Бочка PUB Standup 8x8 09 February 18:00, Sun Kyiv, Бочка PUB Standup and wine at Yosai 09 February 19:00, Sun Kyiv, Boho Yosai Standup 8x8 10 February 19:30, Mon Kyiv, Бочка PUB 10 Stand-up Comedians 11 February 19:30, Tue Kyiv, Бочка PUB Funny Seven 12 February 19:30, Wed Kyiv, Бочка PUB 12 Stand-up Comedians 13 February 19:00, Thu Kyiv, Бочка PUB Max Vyshinsky. Stand-up comedian who falls in love 14 February 19:00, Fri Kyiv, Театр Культ 10 Stand-up Comedians 15 February 16:30, Sat Kyiv, Бочка PUB Saturday Standup 15 February 18:30, Sat Kyiv, Бочка PUB 12 Stand-up Comedians 16 February 16:30, Sun Kyiv, Бочка PUB Evening of New Jokes 16 February 18:30, Sun Kyiv, Бочка PUB Підпільний Стендап 16 February 19:00, Sun Kyiv, Underground Standup Club Вечір Імпровізації Паші Пінчука та Марка Свиридюка. Зйомка 16.02 Kyiv, Бочка PUB Stand Up Evening у Boho 21 February 19:00, Fri Kyiv, Boho Standup and wine at Yosai 23 February 19:00, Sun Kyiv, Boho Yosai Dispersal from the Wanderer in the Cinema House 25 February 19:30, Tue Kyiv, Будинок Кіно Stand Up Evening у Boho 28 February 19:00, Fri Kyiv, Boho