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Why is it worth going to a VOLKANOV concert?

  1. A bright representative of the modern music scene.
  2. A large concert program of the artist's main hits and new songs.
  3. An unforgettable evening in a good mood and a warm, friendly atmosphere.

VOLkANOV with concerts in Ukrainian cities

Dima Volkanov is a young talented Ukrainian singer and composer. The artist's hometown is temporarily occupied Berdyansk. The guy broke into big show business after participating in the 9th season of the TV show "X-Factor". Today, the singer's repertoire is actively replenished with new songs, the music and lyrics for which are written by the performer himself. Among Dima Volkanov's most famous tracks is the hit "I Draw", which has gained over 1 million views on YouTube and entered the top charts.

The powerful light energy of Dima Volkanov: don't miss the concert in your city

Every meeting with a wonderful artist is a source of positivity and life drive for the audience. So this time, tune in for a pleasant musical evening that will be remembered for a long time. The hits "Write to Me", "Like My Love", "Bride", "I'll Draw" and other songs that were written during the full-scale war will be performed. And also - be sure to take the opportunity to take a picture with the young artist! See you soon!

Where to buy tickets for the VOLKANOV concert?

Order tickets for yourself and your friends online on the Concert.ua website.

Other dates
VOLKANOV 31 March 19:00, Mon Kyiv, ICCA OCTOBER PALACE VOLKANOV 16 February 17:00, Sun Khmelnitsky, Khmelnitsky Regional Academic Musical Drama Theater M. Staritskogo VOLKANOV 06 July 17:00, Sun Odesa, Odessa Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy VOLKANOV 07 March 18:00, Fri Теплик, Теплицький Будинок Культури VOLKANOV 04 March 18:00, Tue Poltava, Palace of Culture "Listopad" VOLKANOV 20 February 18:00, Thu berdichev, GDK them. Shabelnik VOLKANOV 13 March 18:00, Thu Zviagel, Новоград-Волинський Палац культури ім. Лесі Українки VOLKANOV 19 February 18:00, Wed Shepetovka, Шепетівський міський будинок культури VOLKANOV 24 February 18:00, Mon Черняхів, Черняхівський будинок культури VOLKANOV 23 February 16:00, Sun Погребище, Центр культури та дозвілля Volkanov 25 February 18:00, Tue Хорошів, Хорошівський будинок культури VOLKANOV 11 April 18:00, Fri Радивилів, МБК Радивилів VOLKANOV 10 April 18:00, Thu dubno-rivnenska-obl, МБК Дубно Volkanov 22 April 18:00, Tue Полонне, Будинок культури Volkanov 08 April 18:00, Tue Sarnu, РБК Сарни Volkanov 17 April 18:00, Thu Віньківці, Віньковецький центральний будинок культури Volkanov 28 April 18:00, Mon berezan, Березанський міський будинок культури Volkanov 15 April 18:00, Tue Білогірʼя, Центр культури і дозвілля Volkanov 29 April 18:00, Tue Тетіїв, Будинок культури Volkanov 12 March 18:00, Wed Rovno, Рівненський Міський Будинок Культури Volkanov 11 March 18:00, Tue Lutsk, RC "Promin" Volkanov 25 April 18:00, Fri Brovary, Міський культурний центр Прометей