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Spravzhniy Novorichny Podarnok vіd aktor_v theater useful і fiction "Stuntman" - the creators of their musical performers-musical "Kit in chobotya", "Rapunzel. Kazka about a princess ”,“ The Snail Queen. The power of the hot heart ”, so loved by the eyes of Ukraine, Nymechchini, Austria and those of the European countries. For quietly, you should be kind, cheerful and charitable children, and be deprived of the heart of the skin. Nayyaskrav_ yalinka Ukraine!
The organizer is holy to prepare for his own gaze non-repetitively the enemy, the hero of the camp. I love the dance of the new yalinka, have fun with Dіdom Moroz and Snіguronko, rukhlі іgr that rosvovy obovyazkovo svyatkovy nastrіy from the skin of a little guest!
And then on the first check, the most advanced present was the premiere of the new musical to the theater “Bilosnizhka. Novorichna іstorіya ”for the motives of the creation of the Brothers Grim, the heroic request of you to ask for help, who can use the holy wonders.
The story about the beautiful girl “bilu, mov snig, that rum'yanu, mov trojan” is already not one way more important to be transmitted from the wust, nubuvayuchi new readings. Pitched up to the new one, Brothers Grim, and Walt Disney, sviyu sviyu sviy first hand workfull animatsіyny film. And the most modern versions of the legendary kakki in the kino but animics і do not translate!
Theater “Stuntman” proponuy you again zanuritsya beautiful midway history about good і evil, true beauty за ozdnu zazdrіst, v_ddanіst і zradu. Otzhe, nezabarom Bіlosnіzhtsі vipovnuєtsya 16 rokіv, and won to be the queen. Ale in лю ї ї ї ї ї ї ма ма ма г еть н плани плани A protest on the back of a young and ominous B_snіzhka. Tozh, machuha viganyaє її to the dark lisu, de at the princess check є zustrіch іz gnomes ... about fit Bіlosnіzhki, fight for your luck, spravlzhnyu friendship і kokhannya povodayut hero ї our fun kazki.
Wistava will come to glorify yak to the children of God, so and we will grow up, that our musical - tse, perche for everything, which is a show, good story, garna music, modern dance, two-sided swords. You are assured of the costumes, intercourse with the eyes of the gazeboys, the rest of the world that melodies. Kozhen, hto vіdvіdaє our vistavu, otrimaє sea of positive emotions and non-hostile enemies of the miraculous atmosphere of the holy, trunk special for you and your child!
Producers: Igor Misliviy, Elias Soroush (Nimechchina)
The author of the scenario, the author p_sen - Vlada Kokhanovska
Choreography: Stanislav Volotovsky
Svіtlu artist - Michael Li Tschan Lin (Nimechchina)
Directed by - Vlada Kokhanovska
The Director of the Stuffs of the Scenes of Boes - Igor Mislivy
Aranzhuvalnik - Taras Shevchenko, Yura Katіn
Trivalist vistavi 1 year 15 hvilin.
Wistava Yde ukrainskiyu moyuyu.
Children up to 3 rokv inclusive vhіd beskoshtovny, in supravodі dorogo, without drawing on the sun.
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