Why should you go to the performance "Cipollino"?
- Enjoy a musical that Odesa has never seen before!
- Immerse yourself in childhood.
- Cipollino is a favorite fairy tale of many generations: come with the whole family.
A children's musical based on the fairy tale of Gianni Rodari to the music of the famous Ukrainian composer I. Poklad with beautiful poems by O. Vrataryov will be interesting to watch for children of all ages and adults.
You will get to a magical land where vegetables and fruits are so similar to us - they can talk, think, love and make friends! And the main character is the brave boy Cipollino - the embodiment of a leader that others can follow!
Behind the colorful costumes, bright scenery and music imbued with the melodies of sunny Italy, the main thoughts of the play are clearly read:
one cannot tolerate injustice and believe in fairy-tale promises;
even in the world there is a division into social strata;
humanity, mutual aid, justice, goodness, the ability to get out of any situation with dignity exist beyond time.
The performance is useful for joint viewing and further discussion in the family circle! Talk to children about important things!
Conditions for attending theater repertory performances during martial law
Dear viewers!
According to the decision of the Odesa Regional Military Administration, the Odesa Academic Theater of Musical Comedy named after On June 18, 2022, M. Vodyanyi started showing repertory performances.
We ask that you understand the fulfillment of the necessary conditions:
- when the audience enters the theater, a cursory inspection will be carried out to identify objects whose circulation is prohibited, restricted or pose a threat to people's life or health, and compliance with anti-epidemic measures aimed at preventing the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus will be monitored;
- during the air alarm, at the signal of the assistant director, the performance stops, and all those present vacate the premises of the theater;
- the spectators, accompanied by the administrator and ticket holders, go to the storage of the residential complex "Pearl of Italian Boulevard" (Kadorr, the gate to the right of the building of the residential complex);
- if the air alarm sounds for less than 1 hour - after the warning, the spectators, accompanied by the administrator and ticket holders, go to the auditorium;
- if the air alarm sounds for more than 1 hour, the performance is cancelled. At the same time, if 2/3 of the declared duration of the performance was shown at the time the alarm signal was activated, the event is considered to have taken place. If less than 2/3 of the stated duration of the performance was shown at the time the alarm signal was activated, the event is postponed to another date;
- to re-register tickets for another performance, please contact the ticket desk: 048 705-11-11;
- refunds to the audience are made by the theater upon presentation of an identity document (passport, military ID, student ID, driver's license, official ID) and a printed ticket only in case of cancellation of the performance due to the fault of the theater (technical and creative reasons).
Please check with their organizers about the terms and conditions of visiting the theater's touring events