The show-program for children "Children's science show "Chemistry" in Kyiv will take place from March 31 to April 7, 2024 at the Production Center of Izmailova Marina.
Why should you go to the Children's Science Show "Chemistry" in Kyiv?
- Fun experiments and interactive exercises for children.
- A great idea for family leisure.
- Fantastic and unforgettable show experience.
Show program "Children's science show "Chemistry" in Kyiv
We invite everyone to the children's science show "Chemistry"! An interesting, carefully thought-out program will certainly give a lot of positive impressions and teach children the beginnings of real science. Don't miss a great chance to please your listeners!
An unforgettable journey into the magical world of the fascinating science of chemistry
A bright program with incredible tricks and exciting numbers awaits everyone. Viewers of the show will be able to take part in cognitive experiments and feel like real chemists. In particular, the show "Chemistry" is:
- spectacular tricks with dry ice;
- spectacular chemical reactions (burning hand, foam patty, volcano, scientific snow, fog, etc.).
From experts in the field of chemistry, young viewers will be able to learn more about the chemical properties of some substances and the peculiarities of their interaction. And most importantly, children will directly participate in experiments. The program is designed for ages from 3 to 9 years. Admission is free for children under 6 accompanied by an adult (subject to paying for one seat, the child is placed on the lap of an adult). Are waiting for you!
Where to buy tickets for the show program "Children's science show "Chemistry" in Kyiv?
You can order tickets online at
ℹ️ Useful information:
🧸 Children up to 6 years old are free without a separate seat. However, it should be noted that the theater's performances are not intended for children under the age of 6. For children from 6 years old, we can recommend attending the event of the "Little Prince" theater.
✅ Our performances are recommended for viewing from the age of 12
⌚ The average duration with an intermission for events is usually 1.5 hours
🛡️ In case of an air alarm: 1. Before the start of the event: we invite the spectators who came to the event to the shelter and wait for 40 minutes. If the air is canceled, we continue the event. 2. During the event: the event stops and we invite the audience to the shelter and wait for 40 minutes. Then according to the situation. If 50% of the event has occurred, the event is considered to have occurred.