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The sea is not a water substance in huge quantities and not a set of chemical elements. This is a unique in its essence, unique world, which all of us once left long ago. Probably, that's why we feel an irresistible attraction to the sea boiling with inexpressible energy.
The Odessa group EPOLETS knows the secrets of the water depth best, which will reveal the secret of our marine essence in the new album "The Children of the Sea". Do not miss the presentation in your city!
"Children of the Sea" is the fourth EPOLETS album, which promises to continue the band's musical traditions. As always, the fans can expect a brand-name painting typical for the guys, but there will be surprises too - the band decided to try a completely different sound, which, according to official sources, was helped to find Milos Jelic from the legendary "Ocean of Elsa."
Also, to the new masterpiece (there's nothing to be doubted about!), The FDR studio, which is known for many high-quality products, for example, the same album Dogma of the group, "had a hand".
Charge a powerful wave of the energy of the sea from the best festival group in Ukraine!
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