Crispy and magical rocket
In the fairy-tale forest school of astronomy, little Khrumko and his friend Kunya study space, and then go on an incredible journey through the solar system on a magical rocket. They will be accompanied by a good robot guide. Friends will learn about a solar eclipse, fly to Mercury, Venus, Mars and its moons, overcome the dangers of the asteroid belt, and then approach the giant planets and even see a comet.
- Year: 2019
- Duration: 32 min.
- Age: 5+
- Production: Ukraine
Have you ever wondered what it's like to be an astronaut? After watching the movie "Cosmix" it will be absolutely clear to you! You will learn about space flight and preparation for it. You will jump from the centrifuge directly into the space rocket. And where will she send you? To the International Space Station! But don't worry, we won't overwhelm you with technical details. On the contrary, practice is what matters! You will learn how to sleep in space, how to cook in space, how to use a space toilet, and how to wash properly. And then the grand finale - the return to Earth!
- Year: 2018
- Duration: 14 min.
- Age: 5+
- Production: Czech Republic-India