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Lev Vinokur


Pianist with international name, "intellectual virtuoso" - Lev Vinokur will visit Urban! His game combines a brilliant keyboard acrobatics, a highly developed "sound culture" and depth. The maestro will give two solo concerts in Odessa, as well as conduct a master class for pianists.

Lev Vinokur was born in St. Petersburg, grew up in Odessa, and since 1996 lives in Germany. Encyclopedia "Great pianists of modern times" ("Die großen Pianisten der Gegenwart"), published in Berlin in 2009, called Leo Vinokur "an intellectual virtuoso", highlighting the rarity of this category of performers.

Since 2011, Lev Vinokur has been actively cooperating with television and film studios. The musician played the main role in the biographical film "Franz Liszt. (ZDF Germany / ORF Austria), subsequently took part in the TV series "Sonata for Two" (3sat / SRF Switzerland), dedicated to the serious and curious aspects of life and creativity of such masters as Haydn, Beethoven, Chopin and Wagner. the famous Swiss documentary filmmaker Beat Kürten released a film dedicated to the life and work of Lev Vinokur himself, and on October 29, 2017, the film "Luther's Songs" was released, in which the pianist performed in a new role: in addition to the historical keyboard instruments, he performed a number of musical works the great German reformer on the lute.