"Forest Song" is a production in the drama-extravaganza genre based on the work of Lesya Ukrainka. The production director is Valery Zubczyk. The plastic director is Oleksiy Kleimenov. The roles are performed by: People's Artist of Ukraine Viktor Gunkin, Honored Artist of Ukraine Nelly Masalska, Viktoriya Chepurna, Anzhelika Nikolayeva, Yuri Zakharov, Oleksiy Kleimenov, Oleksandr Mykhaylov and others.
An incredible event is waiting for you, which will cause sincere admiration and admiration for bright images, spectacular scenography, originality of texts, lighting solutions. And the beautiful costumes and fine acting will simply take your breath away. "I have in my heart something that does not die!" - with these words the Mavkas speak of the spirit of will, the power of love. They have the beauty of the human soul and the priceless message of Lesya Ukrainka, which she left for posterity. Come and enjoy an incredible performance! The duration of the performance is 2 hours 30 minutes. Are waiting for you!
You can order tickets online at at any time.
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