Marius and Andronicus: Mission of Persephone
Cinema laboratory "Illusion" presents!
For the first time on the Odessa stage! Before the New Years! A performance for the whole family! A sea of laughter and spectacle!
The gods of Ancient Greece descend from Olympus to tell the true story of legendary myths and true love!
Thunderer Zeus wanders the world of gods and people in search of amorous adventures with the fragile Persephone. His jealous wife Hera suspects her husband and prepares to destroy the Universe, and only the lord of the Underworld, Hades, tries to save the world of the living. Everything changes when the faithful servants of Caesar himself, Marius and Andronicus appear in Hellas ... Who will save the world? Why is Demeter unable to let her daughter marry? Why are Hermes and Iris trying to do the incredible with the hands of mortals? The real story of the myth of Demeter and Persephone in the House of Clowns!
The duration of the performance is 1 hour. 20 minutes.