Based on the play by Pavel Arye "At the beginning and end of time..."
The boundaries of reality have gradually faded and people are unable to understand where the real world is and where it is not. Mysticism and psychological disorders are closely intertwined and have become commonplace. Despite all the troubles, the heroes refuse to leave their native home, because this is their land and they are an integral part of their world. The story of a family living in the Chernobyl zone, in the middle of a redwood forest.
- Genre: psychological drama in 1 act
- Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes
- 16+
- Production director: Artur Opryatny
- Artist: Serhiy Zubets
- Composer: Andriy Karachun
Active persons and performers:
- BABA PRISYA - People's Artist of Ukraine Viktor Gunkin
- MASTER - Margarita Savenko
- GLORY - Olena Popova
- DILNYCHNYY - Yehor Gerasimov
- LIQUIDATORS – Ilya Myrhorodskyi, Oleksandr Khvostiuk