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New Year's detective or icy song of the Snow Queen

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The "Osobistosty" Theater represents
"New Year's detective, or ice song of the Snow Queen"

Explosive tale in 2 acts
According to Peter Magi's play
Director - Maria Maga

Three hundred years ago there was a victory in the history of fairy tales. Kai destroyed the Snow Queen. And today, his great-great-great-great-grandson Kai and his friend Gerda quietly prepare another New Year's playlist for a dance under a winter tree. New Year's disc with music is ready to start the New Year.

But three hundred years do not pass in vain. The Snow Queen became even colder, even rougher and rougher. She wants to take the holiday from all the kids in the world! Not one, but with a whole army of monsters! And nothing will not prevent her on the way to absolute cold!

Unless, you, our viewers, will help Kai and Gerda to overcome the way through the permafrost to the victory salute!

Waiting for you!

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