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NAONI Orchestra. World hits and soundtracks

The concert "NAONI Orchestra - World Hits and Soundtracks" in Kyiv will take place on December 7, 2024 at 18:00 in Freedom Hall.

Why should you go to the "NAONI Orchestra - World Hits and Soundtracks" concert in Kyiv?

  1. A unique musical group with a diverse repertoire.
  2. A large-scale concert program that will conquer every music lover.
  3. A wonderful musical evening in a festive atmosphere.

"NAONI Orchestra - World Hits and Soundtracks" concert in Kyiv

The National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine is a glorious creative team whose musical shows always impress with their level and scope. NAONI are true professionals working in a large number of genres. Instruments in the hands of masters create incredible sound pictures that attract with an infinite melodic palette and beauty. At various times, NAONI Orchestra successfully collaborated with such stars of the Ukrainian scene as Jamala, Oleg Skrypka, ONUKA, Druga Rika and others.

A pleasant immersion in the bright world of songs and melodies

On December 7, the Freedom Hall will be filled with the sound of your favorite compositions. The best hits of Ocean Elsa, Scriabin, The Beatles, Queen will be heard. You will also hear soundtracks from your favorite movies. This evening will leave behind only pleasant, warm memories. Come with family and friends and enjoy together!

Where to buy tickets for the "NAONI Orchestra - World Hits and Soundtracks" concert in Kyiv?

You can buy tickets online at Concert.ua. It's simple and convenient.

ℹ️ Useful information:

🧸 Entry for children is not recommended

✅ 14+
⌚️ Duration: 60-120 minutes
🛡 In the event of an air alarm, a danger will be announced from the stage, and the audience will be able to go to the nearest shelter. If the event lasted more than 60 minutes at the time of the alarm. - the event is considered to have occurred.