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Спектакль "Повія"

Девушка Кристина, волею судьбы и бедности, потеряв отца и мать, спасаясь от гадких домогательств ищет приют и работу в большом городе.
После многих скитаний предательства и отчаяния судьба будто насмехаясь над девушкой предоставляет ей шанс выжить в элитном киевском кабаре.
Очередная премьера MODERN THEATRE от всемирно известного режиссера Дмитрия Рачковского, в которой мэтр выступает еще и как драматург.

Why should you go to the theater to the play "Whore"?

  1. Deep dramatic production of "Modern Theater".
  2. Brilliant acting.
  3. Work that impresses and does not leave anyone indifferent.

The play "Whore" on the stage of your city

"Prostitute" is a dramatic play by Dmytro Rachkovsky based on the novel of the same name by the master of psychological prose Panas Myrny. The work is considered one of the best socio-psychological novels of Ukrainian literature of the 19th century. Add to this a modern directorial approach and professional performance of the actors - and you will get an incredible production, which is impossible to miss.

Masterful disclosure of the complex image of the main character

At different times, many writers turned to the image of a suffering woman. At the same time, the image of Christ in the work of Panas Myrny is recognized as one of the most tragic. The performance of the theater subtly and at the same time eloquently portrays the emotional torment of the heroine, the clash of the morality of the city and the village, all the complexity of the individual's struggle for his existence. Come to immerse yourself in the content of the play and understand it as deeply as possible. We are waiting for you!

Where to buy tickets for the play "Whore"?

Tickets are already on sale online at Concert.ua.