"Albatross" performance in Kyiv. Kyiv Drama and Comedy Theater presents a spectacular production of "Albatross".
The Kyiv Drama and Comedy Theater presents the production of "Albatross" based on the play "From the Life of Minerals" by Frederic Stroppel. Bright actors, non-standard situations and healthy humor are the key to a wonderful evening at the theater. Don't miss it!
In the production of "Albatross" the viewer is waiting for the most unexpected and sometimes strange turns. The plot line is built on the basis of five vivid stories, each of which first puzzles the audience, and then "keeps" it in suspense until the end.
Yes, in one episode you will meet a couple that returns home from an unusual funeral of a friend. Although, later it turns out that he is not such a friend...
The second story begins with the appearance of the wife on the doorstep of the house, who is stunned by the news: she has just given all her acquired property to some nice young man...
Next is even more interesting. The performance will appeal to everyone who knows how to enjoy life and appreciate moments of happiness.
You can purchase tickets for the performance "Albatross" at the Kyiv Drama and Comedy Theater on the website.
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