BLOCKHEAD. For three hundred years, this name has worried the world. Ukrainian hetman and philanthropist, poet and ardent lover, knight, builder of churches and universities, a man who went against the Moscow tsar. Who is he, the mysterious horseman, after whose death all his portraits were destroyed, his grave desecrated, his name anathema? Byron and Victor Hugo, Pushkin and Voltaire tried to answer this question.
The performance of the Theater of the Ukrainian Tradition "Dzerkalo" "Mazepa" Love-story" lifts the veil of the secret love of the great hetman and his young godmother Motra Kochubivna. The audience will plunge into those romantic times, where Love and betrayal crossed swords, where true love rules the world, and Faith and Honor are more precious than gold.
The servant of the Kochubey family, Melashka
The duration of the action is 135 minutes, with an intermission of 15 minutes.
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