Performance "Stalkers" in Kyiv. The Kyiv Drama and Comedy Theater presents an unusual production of "Stalkers".
We invite you to the Kyiv Drama and Comedy Theater for a performance in the genre of the specific comedy "Stalkers", based on the play "At the Beginning and the End of Time" by the Ukrainian playwright Pavel Aryeh. The play, which combines fiction and reality, draws the viewer into the plot from the first minutes and does not let go.
"Stalkers" is a production that cannot be described in two words. But those who have already seen the performance will confirm: the work is powerful and worthy of your attention.
"Stalkers" is about that strange branch of the subway that makes time run in circles... These are people who live in a gray area - strange and forgotten.
Come and try to get into the complex inner world of the eccentric old woman Prissy, separating the radioactive humor from the truth of life.
The performance was awarded the "Kyiv Pectoral" award in 2015.
You can choose comfortable seats in the hall and order tickets for the performance "Stalkers" at the Kyiv Drama and Comedy Theater online at
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