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Three little pigs

Why should you go to the play Three Little Pigs?

  1. Arrange a family day with children.
  2. See the original interpretation of the famous plot.
  3. An incredible embodiment of a fairy tale with dolls.

The world-famous fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" is probably familiar to everyone. And by cartoons, and by books, and by movies. And of course, according to theatrical productions.

Many generations love the adventures of the three little brothers - chubby pink piglets with stubborn tails. At the performance, young viewers will learn that friendship, responsibility and bravery are the very things that unite everyone in the face of danger and can save in a difficult moment. We present an original interpretation of a favorite fairy tale.

In the puppet story, everything will start with a fiery and fun song-dance in rap style! A storyteller-artist draws a story about the adventure of three restless little pigs. In front of you is an annual meadow, the sun is shining brightly in the blue sky, fragrant flowers are on the green grass. And so he begins to draw figures of the main characters ... and the piglets come to life. The fairy tale begins!

Director - Yuriy Chaika, set designer - Svitlana Prokofieva, music design - Serhiy Zolotaryov.

Come see this hilarious puppet show! It will be very modern and temperamental!

ℹ️ Useful information:

🧸 Children up to 2 years old are free without a separate seat.
✅ We do not recommend attending our performances for children without adult supervision. But, if the child is quite independent, then from 5-6 years old we can allow to visit the performance, provided that the parents are nearby (lobby).
⌚ Performance duration: 45 minutes.
🛡️ In case of an air alarm: if the alarm occurred before the start of the performance - we invite visitors to our shelter until the air alarm goes off. There is everything you need - a toilet, a first aid kit, drinking water. If the alarm occurred during the performance, the performance will be suspended, our employees will offer to go down to the shelter. If the alarm is less than 45 minutes, then after the break we return to the auditorium again and continue viewing. If the alarm lasts more than 45 minutes, the performance will be canceled.