XX Family Chronicle
XX – in genetics – is the chromosomal designation of the female sex, and the word “chronicle” has at least a double meaning: chronicle – as a document and chronic disease – as a medical definition.
The play, in fragmentary form, reveals the life story and relationships of four generations of women from one family: great-grandmother, grandmother, mother and daughter. The action takes place in Krakow (Poland) and covers the period from 1939 to the 2000s.
A dramatic and funny story about love and hate, about mutual attraction and repulsion, about the unwillingness to repeat the experience and fate of parents and the impossibility of not repeating this experience and fate. A story about how difficult it is to understand a loved one and forgive.
- Genre: drama
- Duration: 95 minutes
- Director: Yuriy Nevgamonnyy
- Choreographer: Diana Kostika
- Actors: Olga Saltykova, Valeria Zadumkina, Olga Bilokon, Maria Kabakchey
Age restriction: 15+