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Національна Філармонія України (ЄДРПОУ 02226010) photo-background Національна Філармонія України (ЄДРПОУ 02226010) photo


default-poster Reinhold Gliere 150 Reinhold Gliere 150 25 February 19:00, Tue | Kyiv, from 100 ₴ default-poster Organ version Organ version 22 February 19:00, Sat | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster Alexander Saratsky. Evening of the Prime Minister Alexander Saratsky. Evening of the Prime Minister 18 February 19:00, Tue | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster Бах органний Бах органний 27 March 19:00, Thu | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster Lyudmila Monastyrska. Vasyl Koval Lyudmila Monastyrska. Vasyl Koval 19 February 19:00, Wed | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster Mass of Angels Mass of Angels 20 February 19:00, Thu | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster An evening of romance An evening of romance 21 February 17:00, Fri | Kyiv, Музей Лесі Українки from 200 ₴ default-poster Шопен Шопен 01 March 19:00, Sat | Kyiv, from 300 ₴ default-poster Maza. Tarrega. Concert Cycle. The History of Classical Guita Maza. Tarrega. Concert Cycle. The History of Classical Guita 19 February 17:00, Wed | Kyiv, Музей Марії Заньковецької from 200 ₴ default-poster Born free Born free 21 February 19:00, Fri | Kyiv, from 200 ₴ default-poster Bach-Piazzolla The Art of Fugue Bach-Piazzolla The Art of Fugue 22 February 15:00, Sat | Kyiv, Музей книги і друкарства України from 200 ₴ default-poster Come back from memories Come back from memories 22 February 15:00, Sat | Kyiv, Літературно-меморіальний музей-квартира П. Г. Тичини from 200 ₴ default-poster Salve Regina Salve Regina 22 February 17:00, Sat | Kyiv, from 350 ₴ default-poster Сцена – дітям! Київська дитяча філармонія Сцена – дітям! Київська дитяча філармонія 23.02, 30.03 | Kyiv from 100 ₴ default-poster Les Bohemiennes Les Bohemiennes 23 February 15:00, Sun | Kyiv, Будинок-музей Миколи Лисенка from 200 ₴ default-poster From Berezovsky to Skoryk From Berezovsky to Skoryk 23 February 15:00, Sun | Kyiv, Літературно-меморіальний музей Максима Рильського from 200 ₴ default-poster Lesya's world of inspiration. To the poetess's birthday Lesya's world of inspiration. To the poetess's birthday 23 February 15:00, Sun | Kyiv, Музей Лесі Українки from 200 ₴ default-poster Righteous soul Righteous soul 24 February 19:00, Mon | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster Austrian Romanticism Austrian Romanticism 26 February 17:00, Wed | Kyiv, Музей-квартира Віктора Косенка from 200 ₴ default-poster Idee Fixe Idee Fixe 26 February 19:00, Wed | Kyiv, from 200 ₴ default-poster Andriy Ostapenko guitar Andriy Ostapenko guitar 27 February 17:00, Thu | Kyiv, Музей М. Старицького from 200 ₴ default-poster My song My song 27 February 17:00, Thu | Kyiv, Будинок-музей Миколи Лисенка from 200 ₴ default-poster NotaBene+ NotaBene+ 27.02, 16.03 | Kyiv from 250 ₴ default-poster NotaBene. Concert number one NotaBene. Concert number one 27 February 19:00, Thu | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster Колодій Колодій 28 February 17:00, Fri | Kyiv, Музей Марії Заньковецької from 200 ₴ default-poster Igor Borko, tenor Igor Borko, tenor 28 February 17:00, Fri | Kyiv, from 200 ₴ default-poster Fierce January of '23 Fierce January of '23 28 February 19:00, Fri | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster Tsar Plaksius and Tickle 6+ Tsar Plaksius and Tickle 6+ 01 March 13:00, Sat | Kyiv, from 200 ₴ default-poster Your Lesia Your Lesia 01 March 17:00, Sat | Kyiv, from 300 ₴ default-poster Mozart Mozart 02 March 19:00, Sun | Kyiv, from 300 ₴ default-poster Бах-Веберн  Брамс  Шенберг Бах-Веберн Брамс Шенберг 05 March 19:00, Wed | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster Other Other 08 March 17:00, Sat | Kyiv, from 300 ₴ default-poster Pop Classic Pop Classic 11 March 19:00, Tue | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster https://www.canva.com/design/DAFtB3f7n44/pAL7kHaCq1kb4kSXmDR https://www.canva.com/design/DAFtB3f7n44/pAL7kHaCq1kb4kSXmDR 12 March 17:00, Wed | Kyiv, from 350 ₴ default-poster Київська камерата Валерію Матюхіну Київська камерата Валерію Матюхіну 12 March 19:00, Wed | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster Брамс  Шопен Брамс Шопен 13 March 19:00, Thu | Kyiv, from 300 ₴ default-poster Blues&Boogie Blues&Boogie 14 March 17:00, Fri | Kyiv, from 450 ₴ default-poster NotaBene+. Концерт другий NotaBene+. Концерт другий 16 March 19:00, Sun | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster Liatoshynsky Space. Камерна музика #3 Liatoshynsky Space. Камерна музика #3 19 March 19:00, Wed | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster Равель –150 Равель –150 20 March 19:00, Thu | Kyiv, from 250 ₴ default-poster Ishchenko's moods. Dychko. Rekalo Ishchenko's moods. Dychko. Rekalo 21 March 17:00, Fri | Kyiv, from 300 ₴ default-poster Igor Shamo. Chamber music Igor Shamo. Chamber music 22 March 17:00, Sat | Kyiv, from 300 ₴ default-poster Київська камерата. Кері-Лінн Вілсон Київська камерата. Кері-Лінн Вілсон 22 March 19:00, Sat | Kyiv, from 300 ₴ default-poster Ювілейний концерт КДМЛ імені М.В. Лисенка Ювілейний концерт КДМЛ імені М.В. Лисенка 23 March 19:00, Sun | Kyiv, from 200 ₴ default-poster Сцена – дітям! КДШМ № 5 імені Л. Ревуцького Сцена – дітям! КДШМ № 5 імені Л. Ревуцького 24 March 17:00, Mon | Kyiv, from 100 ₴ default-poster Звітний концерт КДМЛ імені М.В. Лисенка Звітний концерт КДМЛ імені М.В. Лисенка 26 March 19:00, Wed | Kyiv, from 200 ₴ default-poster (Музичний салон НФУ) Листи Незнайомці (Музичний салон НФУ) Листи Незнайомці 28 March 17:00, Fri | Kyiv, from 350 ₴ default-poster Симфонія звуків Симфонія звуків 29 March 17:00, Sat | Kyiv, from 300 ₴ default-poster Bach Bach 30 March 17:00, Sun | Kyiv, from 350 ₴ default-poster Liatoshynskyi Capella: Перетини Liatoshynskyi Capella: Перетини 30 March 19:00, Sun | Kyiv, from 300 ₴

Events Archive

Carmen 31 January 19:00, Fri Kyiv, Rozkolyada 31 January 17:00, Fri Kyiv, Будинок-музей Миколи Лисенка To the Day of Unity of Ukraine. Ukrainian song unites 22 January 17:00, Wed Kyiv, House of Scientists Song for Ukraine 22 January 17:00, Wed Kyiv, Музей Марії Заньковецької Zoltan Almasi. Works for Camerata 22 January 19:00, Wed Kyiv, Grand Astor 24 January 17:00, Fri Kyiv, Музей Марії Заньковецької Nocturne all'italiana 25 January 15:00, Sat Kyiv, Будинок-музей Миколи Лисенка Моцарт, Ланюк, Станкович 25 January 19:00, Sat Kyiv, Сцена – дітям! Київська дитяча філармонія 26 January 12:00, Sun Kyiv, Vydnokrai 26 January 15:00, Sun Kyiv, Музей-квартира Віктора Косенка Liatoshynskyi Capella: Mozart, Beethoven 26 January 19:00, Sun Kyiv, Pavlo Tychyna 26 January 15:00, Sun Kyiv, Літературно-меморіальний музей-квартира П. Г. Тичини Ishchenko: cycles 19 January 17:00, Sun Kyiv, Dedication. Bohdana Pivnenko 27 January 19:00, Mon Kyiv, Playing Classic 3+ 01 February 12:00, Sat Kyiv, Bach & Jazz 02 February 19:00, Sun Kyiv, Gubarenko. Chamber symphonies 05 February 19:00, Wed Kyiv, In the Mood for a Serenade 06 February 19:00, Thu Kyiv, Mozart. Brahms 07 February 19:00, Fri Kyiv, Liatoshysky Space. Chamber Music #2 08 February 19:00, Sat Kyiv, Skoryk. Haydn 09 February 19:00, Sun Kyiv, In love with the classics 14 February 19:00, Fri Kyiv, No one loved like this 15 February 19:00, Sat Kyiv, Kyiv Chamber Orchestra. Natalia Ponomarchuk 16 February 19:00, Sun Kyiv, Hamburg Evenings 08 February 17:00, Sat Kyiv, Guitar Baroque 12 February 17:00, Wed Kyiv, Romantic Piano 15 February 17:00, Sat Kyiv, Grieg. Liszt. Dvorak. 30 January 17:00, Thu Kyiv, Movie music 01 February 17:00, Sat Kyiv, Stairway to heaven 14 February 17:00, Fri Kyiv, Цикл концертів «Історія класичної гітари» Антон Діабеллі 30 January 17:00, Thu Kyiv, Музей Марії Заньковецької Chopin 31 January 17:00, Fri Kyiv, Tauvers Gallery International Brahms. Wolf 01 February 15:00, Sat Kyiv, Музей Лесі Українки Royal Concert 02 February 15:00, Sun Kyiv, Tauvers Gallery International Piazzolla and tango 02 February 15:00, Sun Kyiv, Літературно-меморіальний музей-квартира П. Г. Тичини Mozart&Strauss 07 February 17:00, Fri Kyiv, Будинок-музей Миколи Лисенка Red rue 01 February 15:00, Sat Kyiv, House of Scientists Sereenata D'amore 07 February 17:00, Fri Kyiv, Музей Марії Заньковецької Baroque & Jazz 08 February 15:00, Sat Kyiv, Музей книги і друкарства України Joseph Haydn. Dawn of Classicism 08 February 15:00, Sat Kyiv, Музей-квартира Віктора Косенка Symphony of Three: Schumann, Clara, Brahms 09 February 15:00, Sun Kyiv, Музей книги і друкарства України Legends of Spain: Albéniz, Rodrigo 09 February 15:00, Sun Kyiv, Музей-квартира Віктора Косенка Lesya's songs 13 February 17:00, Thu Kyiv, Музей української діаспори Viennese classical music 15 February 15:00, Sat Kyiv, Музей книги і друкарства України Cherchez la femme 13 February 17:00, Thu Kyiv, Музей книги і друкарства України With love about cinema 14 February 17:00, Fri Kyiv, House of Scientists A fun find 15 February 15:00, Sat Kyiv, Літературно-меморіальний музей-квартира П. Г. Тичини Fly 16 February 15:00, Sun Kyiv, Музей Лесі Українки Anatoliy Yurchenko, baritone 16 February 15:00, Sun Kyiv, Літературно-меморіальний музей-квартира П. Г. Тичини Game ON! Video Game Music 31 January 17:00, Fri Kyiv,

About the promoter

The musical heart of the capital: history and location

The National Philharmonic of Ukraine is the cultural center of Kyiv, a real Mecca for all fans of musical art in its brightest manifestations. The institution has existed for over 160 years, preserving and enriching the cultural heritage of Ukraine and the world. The first concert season of the Philharmonic opened in 1863. The active musical life of the capital, the holding of contract fairs attracted the attention of famous European musicians - Franz Liszt, the Wieniawski brothers. The organizers of the events at that time were Mykola Lysenko, Pero Seletsky, Robert Pfenig and others.

The Philharmonic continued its activities during the First World War. Works by Claude Debussy, Camille Saint-Saëns, and other talented composers were performed on the Kyiv stage. In general, during the first two decades of the 20th century, the most famous musicians from neighboring countries gave their performances to the public as part of their tours. With the beginning of the Second World War, the Philharmonic's activities were suspended. However, in 1944, the institution resumed its work in the historic building, because there was no building with better acoustics.

In 1962, the main Column Hall was named after the outstanding Ukrainian composer, pianist, ethnographer, and educator Mykola Vitaliyovych Lysenko. In 1996, during the Ukrainian independence, the Column Hall was reconstructed, which confidently maintains the level of the most respected concert venue in Kyiv. The National Philharmonic of Ukraine is located at Volodymyrskyi Uzviz, 2. The picturesque location and exquisite architectural ensemble of the institution from the first minutes set you up for a wonderful vacation in an atmosphere of high art. And the luxurious interior decoration and unsurpassed sound complement the vivid impressions of visitors.

Events taking place at the Kyiv Philharmonic

The repertoire of the National Philharmonic takes into account the broad tastes of the audience and includes a wide variety of events. Here you can hear the majestic organ and jazz piano, exquisite opera arias and Ukrainian folk carols. The stage of the institution hosts:
  • music concerts (classical, jazz and improvisation, folk, etc.);
  • opera performances and musical performances;
  • events within the framework of international and all-Ukrainian competitions and festivals;
  • creative evenings;
  • presentations, exhibitions, conferences and much more.
The National Philharmonic of Ukraine is, first of all, a professional collective, represented by talented artists and musicians. Among them are laureates of international and national competitions, honored workers of culture of Ukraine. The creative collectives of the Philharmonic include:
  • Academic Symphony Orchestra of the National Philharmonic of Ukraine;
  • Kyiv Chamber Orchestra;
  • Kyiv Saxophonist Quartet;
  • String Quartet "Caprice Classic";
  • Ensemble "Merry Musicians";
  • Bandura Trio "Ukrainka" and others.

How to get tickets for events of the National Philharmonic of Ukraine in Kyiv?

The Kyiv Philharmonic's schedule and tickets for all concerts are always available on Concert.ua. Choose an event to your liking and immediately book the best seats in the hall. Doing it online is safe and convenient.