1. The topic of finding your way always remains relevant for a person.
2. In the heroes of the play, perhaps someone will recognize themselves.
3. Sincere and talented actors play will make you forget about reality and plunge into the world of pure emotions.
We invite you to the New Ukrainian Theater for the performance “That was spring”. Come: there will be something to ponder.
At the heart of the production is the plot of the popular play of the XIX century “Unhappy”. The viewer is offered a modern narrative of what has always disturbed a person - the search for his destiny. It's no secret that everyone has their own way. We find our purpose in life, our soul mate. And sometimes - self-confidently trying to change everything individually. But is it always possible to escape from fate? After all, some such attempts are reflected in our lives tragically...
The heroes of the play “That was spring” - ordinary guys and girls, as they are today and were decades ago. These are people experiencing real feelings, sincere emotions. They become members of the love triangle, love and suffer.
All the experiences of young actors are sincere and genuine. Suffering, jealousy, passion - everything is honest and real. And it brings the viewer and actors together, forcing to believe every word.
An organic addition to the performance was musical accompaniment from the compositions of the group “Ocean Elzy”.
The duration of the performance is 2 hours and 45 minutes, with an intermission.
The language is Ukrainian.